(Also see my DBLP page, my EPrints page or my Google Scholar Citations page.)

Selected publications

PhD thesis

Timmer, M. (2013) Efficient Modelling, Generation and Analysis of Markov Automata. PhD thesis, University of Twente. CTIT Ph.D. Thesis Series No. 13-261 (Cover, Backside)

Formal verification

Hansen, H. and Timmer, M. (2014) A comparison of confluence and ample sets in probabilistic and non-probabilistic branching time. Theoretical computer science, 538. pp. 103-123. Elsevier.
Timmer, M. and van de Pol, J.C. and Stoelinga, M.I.A. (2013) Confluence Reduction for Markov Automata. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems (FORMATS). pp. 243-257. LNCS 8053. Springer. (Corresponding technical report)
Guck, D. and Hatefi, H. and Hermanns, H. and Katoen, J.P. and Timmer, M. (2013) Modelling, Reduction and Analysis of Markov Automata. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of Systems (QEST). pp. 55-71. LNCS 8054. Springer. (Corresponding technical report)
Hartmanns, A. and Timmer, M. (2013) On-the-Fly Confluence Detection for Statistical Model Checking. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on NASA Formal Methods (NFM). pp. 337-351. LNCS 7871. Springer. (Corresponding technical report)
Timmer, M. and Katoen, J.P. and van de Pol, J.C. and Stoelinga, M.I.A. (2012) Efficient Modelling and Generation of Markov Automata. In: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Concurrency Theory (CONCUR). pp. 364-379. LNCS 7454. Springer. (Corresponding technical report)
Katoen, J.P. and van de Pol, J.C. and Stoelinga, M.I.A. and Timmer, M. (2012) A linear process-algebraic format with data for probabilistic automata. Theoretical computer science, 413 (1). pp. 36-57. Elsevier. (Earlier conference paper, corresponding technical report)
Timmer, M. (2011) SCOOP: A Tool for SymboliC Optimisations Of Probabilistic Processes. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of SysTems (QEST). IEEE.
Timmer, M. and Stoelinga, M.I.A. and van de Pol, J.C. (2011) Confluence Reduction for Probabilistic Systems. In: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS). pp. 311-325. LNCS 6605. Springer. (Corresponding technical report)
Van de Pol, J.C. and Timmer, M. (2009) State Space Reduction of Linear Processes Using Control Flow Reconstruction. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis (ATVA). pp. 54-68. LNCS 5799. Springer. (Corresponding technical report)

Model-Based Testing

Stokkink, W.G.J. and Timmer, M. and Stoelinga, M.I.A. (2013) Divergent Quiescent Transition Systems. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Tests and Proofs (TAP). pp. 214-231. LNCS 7942. Springer. (Corresponding technical report)
Stokkink, W.G.J. and Timmer, M. and Stoelinga, M.I.A. (2012) Talking quiescence: a rigorous theory that supports parallel composition, action hiding and determinisation. In: Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Model-Based Testing (MBT). pp. 73-87. EPTCS 80. Open Publishing Association. (Corresponding technical report)
Timmer, M. and Brinksma, H. and Stoelinga, M.I.A. (2011) Model-Based Testing. In: Software and Systems Safety: Specification and Verification. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series D: Information and Communication Security 30. pp. 1-32. IOS Press, Amsterdam.
Stoelinga, M.I.A. and Timmer, M. (2009) Interpreting a Successful Testing Process: Risk and Actual Coverage. In: Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering (TASE). pp. 251-258. IEEE. (Corresponding technical report, corresponding Master's thesis)

Mathematics Teaching

Verhoef, N.C. and Timmer, M. (2013) Lesson study - deel 3; ervaringen bij de introductie van periodieke bewegingen. Euclides, 88 (4). pp. 173-176.
Timmer, M. and Verhoef, N.C. (2012) Increasing insightful thinking in analytic geometry. Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde, 5/13 (3). pp. 217-219. (Corresponding Master's thesis)
Timmer, M. and Verhoef, N.C. (2012) Analytische meetkunde door een synthetische bril. Nieuwe Wiskrant, 31 (4). pp. 13-18. (Corresponding Master's thesis)
Stoelinga, M.I.A. and Timmer, M. (2011) Efficiënt zoeken in grote tekstbestanden. Nieuwe Wiskrant, 30 (4). pp. 35-38.
Alberink, M. and Muijlwijk, H. and Timmer, M. (2011) De sinus: van meetkundige definitie naar analytisch begrip. Euclides, 86 (6). pp. 250-252.


Timmer, M. and de Boer, P.T. and Pras, A. (2006) How to Identify the Speed Limiting Factor of a TCP Flow. In: Proceedings of the 4th IEEE/IFIP Workshop on End-to-End Monitoring Techniques and Services (E2EMON). pp. 17-24. IEEE. (Corresponding Bachelor's thesis)

An extremely concise summary of my papers related to probabilistic processes and state space reduction is given on the SCOOP part of my website. Alternatively, the tool paper SCOOP: A Tool for SymboliC Optimisations Of Probabilistic Processes gives an easy informal introduction.

In submission

Hansen, H. and Timmer, M. and Liu, Y. and Sun, J. and Dong, J. (2013) Operational Determinism for Probabilistic Automata.

Accepted for publication

Guck, D., Timmer, M., Ruijters, E., Hatefi, H. and Stoelinga, M.I.A. (2014) Modelling and Analysis of Markov Reward Automata. Accepted for ATVA 2014.
Hartmanns, A. and Timmer, M. (2014) Sound statistical model checking for MDP using partial order and confluence reduction. Accepted for STTT.
Guck, D., Hatefi, H., Hermanns, H., Katoen, J.-P. and Timmer, M. (2014) Analysis of Timed and Long-run Objectives for Markov Automata. Accepted for LMCS.

All publications

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Stoelinga, M.I.A. and Timmer, M., ed. (2012) Proceedings of the 17th Dutch Testing Day: Testing Evolvability. CTIT Workshop Proceedings Series (WP12-01). Centre for Telematics and Information Technology, University of Twente, Enschede. ISSN 0929-0672

Given talks

I presented at many international scientific events: E2EMON 2006, QAPL 2009, TASE 2009, ATVA 2009, QAPL 2010, ACSD 2010, YR-CONCUR 2010, TACAS 2011, QEST 2011, YR-CONCUR 2011, QAPL 2012, CONCUR 2012, QAPL 2013, NFM 2013. Additionally, I presented at several ROCKS and QUASIMODO project meetings, various universities, FMT colloquia and national events. Below all talks are listed, including the slides that were used.








Supervised students


Other scientific work


Research visits

Events attended